Facade & Home Siting

Each individual dwelling design should contribute to the surrounding environment and to the estate in a positive way. Owners are encouraged to construct innovative and appropriate designs that present a cohesive residential image for the estate. The following siting and setback guidelines have been designed for all allotments to ensure homes are appropriately sited with generous setbacks and height controls to prevent overlooking and overshadowing.


Facade Design and Articulation

Façade design and articulation must comply with the following controls:

  • Your home must be oriented towards the primary street frontage and present an identifiable entrance to the street. For corner lots, the shorter street frontage shall be the primary frontage (unless otherwise approved by the DRP).
  • The front entry to your home must be clearly visible from the street and must include protruding elements (i.e. a covered veranda or portico treatments) with a minimum depth of 1.5m to provide a sense of entry.
  • Your home must have windows facing the primary street frontage. They should be appropriately articulated as elements of the facade design and should not comprise of single highlight windows.
  • Continuation of materials used on the front of home must return to the side of the homes to a length of four (4) metres, with the exception of garages built on boundary
  • Windows visible to a side street or public open space must match the style and quality of the front windows.

Facade Design and Articulation - Corner Lots

Design and articulation of corner lots must comply with the below controls;:

  • A habitable room window must be provided to the secondary street frontage of your home within the first four (4) metres from the front facade. Highlight windows are discouraged.
  • Double storey dwellings must provide variation in materials between the upper and lower storeys to articulate the corner of both facades.
  • For double storey homes located on corner lots, the side wall of the fi rst level facing the secondary street must not be constructed: i) less than 900mm from the ground level wall that faces the secondary street; OR ii) with less than 30% glazing for the area of the wall and the remainder of the wall must be constructed in contrasting material finishes from the ground level wall (refer to diagram on Appendix E)
  • Continuation of facade materials and articulation around the corner to be consistent between primary and secondary street frontages.
  • Articulation of the secondary street facade through the use of pop-outs, bay windows, balconies, pergolas and other similar elements.
  • Minimising areas of blank wall to the secondary street facade through additional articulation (setbacks) and roofing articulation.
  • Blank walls facing a side street or public open space are prohibited.

Facade Replication

Façade replication will be managed under the below controls;

  • Your homes façade design must avoid replicating an identical façade to another home within three (3) lots in either direction on the same side of the street or within three (3) lots on the opposite side of the street.
  • In the event that more than one application of the same façade design has been submitted for lots within close proximity, consent will be given to the first complete application received.

Home Siting and Setbacks

Home siting and setbacks are specified under the below controls;

  • Your home must be setback a minimum of four (4) metres and maximum of six (6) metres between the principal front building line of your home and the front boundary.
  • Eaves, balconies, verandahs, open porches, porticos, pergolas and feature piers to a maximum height of 3.6m may encroach the front setback to a maximum of 1.5m. Eaves can encroach the side setback to a minimum width of 450mm.
  • For corner lots, a minimum setback of two (2) metres to the secondary frontage is required.
  • The garage of your home must be setback to a minimum of fi ve (5) metres from the front boundary and a minimum of 0.5 metres behind the principal front building line. Garages must not dominate the front façade.
  • All side setbacks must be a minimum of 1 metre with the exception of garages which may be built on the side boundary between 0-200mm. Habitable windows must comply with ResCode conditions regarding Amenity impacts 54.04.
  • For homes with lot frontages of twenty (20) metres or greater, all side boundaries including garages must be setback a minimum of one (1) metre on the garage side and three (3) metres on the opposite boundary. If the lot frontage is twenty (20) metres or greater and is irregular in shape, the above mentioned setbacks only need to be achieved at the front building line.
  • Rear setback to your home must be a minimum of two (2) metres.
  • For select corner lots, a mandatory double storey home is required as shown on the release plan and/or Plan of Subdivision.